Saturday, September 06, 2008


oftentimes, my girlfriend and i have these days wherein we don't find ourselves doing anything. it's either we don't have money or we're just too lazy to go out and find ways to enjoy ourselves. there would be times where we would just play with our cellphone games (darn addicting games) or find some posh place, buy their cheapest item, and just sit down and chill out.

then there are times we just find our own little place in the metro. whether that be inside the school premises, or in our favorite mini-stop tambayan, and just talk. talk about anything. talk about everything. talk about things we observed, things we've seen. talk about our plans for the future, talk about what we saw on television last night, really ordinary stuff. 

we talk a lot. haha.. now that's something that came into my mind just now. i remember saying to her the other day, that even if calling her in the landlines was free of charge (because we don't have our free NDD privileges anymore) i still won't call her that often. now, don't be mad at me just yet. i can't really see the sense of talking about things we have talked about the whole day.

maybe it's my fault. i just sometimes can't think of anything else to talk about. or maybe i'm just too lazy to find about other things to talk about, since there is a whole new world still waiting for us to talkabout.

can you forgive me for that? i hope you can. :D

of course, talking has a lot of functions. you tend to get to know someone a bit more, you can learn something new, and you can effectively pass the time. 

so, whenever we're bored, we just go out to our favorite chillout space, buy something really cheap just to get good seats, and talk the day away. i love those moments. :)

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