Wednesday, August 13, 2008

tired. again.

so much to do. period!

seriously, today's week staggers me with a lot of things to do. papers, papers and more papers. somehow the sound of eating paper entices me. basically everyone who teaches me wants to see me write a whole lot. i like to write, but come on, writing this much can be dangerous!

i haven't been this dumped on work since... since today! my gulay, this marks the first time that i will be experiencing this. if this were just EASY, then i'd probably say BRING IT ON MOTHERF&^*%ER!

but the problem is, its so god dang hard!!!
a lot of work won't be a problem if it were easy. then again, who said life was easy?

buti na lang may Folded and Hung. haha. :D

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