Thursday, July 03, 2008

at last

we're finished. well, i was supposed to write this after the conference, but i was so dog-tired and sleeping was the best thing to do after that.

it was a very stark revelation for all of us. especially for me, as being the one in charge for practically everything, i got to see who can do what and who was willing to do it.

it was surprising for me to know my blockmates better, and to see who were the ones that i can place under the "nuances" column. please, i hope that your incompetence only victimized OUR event, and not the other "things" which rank of higher importance in your life.

in behalf of everyone, i am extending my deepest and sincerest apologies to all of those whose time got wasted (and some who dared not waste their time at all) by our event. and if you have something to say, just be sure that its worth saying. don't give me useless shit and criticism which i cannot use and which i cannot fathom where it came from. so there.

and so continues my very active senior year. damn, if i was this active in high school, what could have happened to me? what type of person would i become now? guess i'm about to find out. :P

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